August 25, 2011

Blog Posting #1

I have always considered myself fortunate to be living in this day and age.  After reading the writings of Aldrich, Hughes, and De Crevecoeur, I have come to the realization that I owe God big time for my date of birth.  To be honest I do not think I have ever really put much thought into what it specifically means to be an American. However, what I do know that as an American we are extremely more fortunate than most people from other countries. I do know that to be an American is to be a free person. I do know that to be an American means we have a chance to live better than our parents. I know that to be an American means that our social class or gender does not define whom we become.
Reading “Letters From an American Farmer” I had a moment of reflection. I knew that historically an American was defined as a Caucasian male from specific nationalities. I have always known that American definition existed and even now still creeps up in peoples thinking and understanding. However seeing it in print moved me. I have a greater appreciation for the people who made America what it is to today.  I know that because of the people who fought and even died for causes like the abolishment of slavery, women’s rights, and civil rights, the definition of what it means to be an American was redefined. I also have a deeper appreciation for all of the Americans who lived before these great defining moments in America.


  1. So, do you see yourself as "fortunate" because of the work of these "people who made America what it is today"?

  2. I consider myself extremely fortunate. If it were not for the hard work and determination of people like Martin Luther King Jr., Susan B Anthony, Jane Addams and many more my life and opportunities would be different.
