October 25, 2011

#10 " Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying"

“Get busy living or get busy dying.” That is my favorite movie quote from the movie Shawshank Redemption. I think about this quote often in my everyday life. After reading Chestnutt’s, The Wife of My Youth and Harper’s, Learning to Read, I found myself thinking about this quote once again. I always try to remember how time and opportunity are gifts that God gives people. I found myself thinking about how Chloe and Liza Jane’s quests were different in nature, but were very much alike. During the Civil War many people put their lives on hold. Even though there lives in a sense stood still time kept moving forward. After the war people tried to carry on with there lives, but they had lost precious time. Not only did they lose time in years in age but they lost years of missed opportunities. Many people spent years searching for family members after the war, like Liza Jane. Liza Jane was determined to find her husband Sam. She was so determined that she spent over twenty years looking for him. She never gave up hope that she would be reunited with him one day. Other people like Chloe did not waste any time learning to read once she was granted the opportunity to learn. She had the determination and perseverance to reach her goal despite the discouragement from others. She kept going until she reached her goal. Both ladies were determined and showed strength and perseverance in attaining their dreams. Even though they achieved their goal later in life they achieved their dreams just the same. Chloe’s age did not hinder her desire and passion to learn to read the written word. She was not going to let her age become a roadblock in her learning to read. Liza Jane was not going to let years of disappointment keep her from finding her husband that she loved. Both women kept living and took advantage of the opportunities regardless of circumstances around them. They both held on to hope, because “hope does not disappoint us”.

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